For those people who have a low goody-goody tolerance , the Shadow Knight stands out as a really rotten individual....Gloriously
so . He/She has style , presence , and a reputation that's known throughout the world This reputation is
more often than not a inconvenient . The Dark Elf Shadow Knight is my choice of destruction , his advantages:Ultra
vision , and he just looks good , disadvantages:race is hated . as most Knight's of darkness the Dark Elf is KOS in most city's
he enters by one or more of the NPC's if not by a guard then for sure by the Paladin's and the Temple of Lifer's don't like
me much either..I find this a very fun part of the game it keeps me on my toes so to say this also gives me a high level advantage
i think because while others are looking for a mob to kill i can always pull a guard and have my fun . This
means unless you come up with some workarounds , Your Shadow Knight isn't going to see as much of Norrath as you might like
. Unfortunate and a inconvenient , but thats the way of the world ... Workarounds include things such as .. forming parties
with other people as nasty as yourself and taking the world by storm . Wizards , Rogues and Necromancers are usually open
to the idea .