The King pit in Chardok is fairly easy with the right
group , however this run at the King was somewhat testing our skills , we was on the run to get 2 Cleric's their signed note
after clearing our way there and killing both the King and the Queen from the upper floor along with all their minions we
sat in the King Pit for waiting the 2 hour spawn to kill him again , while pulling from the hallway out of no where our Shaman
got a tell warning us of a train coming our way from a group that was camping the library , you can not begin to tell how
many mobs we had from these screen shots to sum it up there was ALOT , I estimate 40 to 50 mobs + this was an insane battle
but we concurred and several of us was left standing . as you can see from the pix there are mobs here from the library to
royal guards , the of the room was literally covered in corpse's , the amount of mobs you see here are only the mobs that
died in the pit , there was corpse's out into the hallway .
After all was said and done about 8 of
us was left standing good thing I was a Cleric with a stick .