Dorinan promises to make you some armplates if you brind him three jaundice gems and a set of corroded plate
vambraces Reward(s):
Vambracers of Forbidden Rites MAGIC ITEM NO DROP AC: +19 Dex: +3 Wis: +2
HP: +35 Weight: 6.0 Classes: Cleric Races: Human High Elf Halfling Erudite Dark Elf Gnome Dwarf Inventory
Slot: Arm Velious Required: Yes Can be stored in Medium and larger containers
Dorinan promises to make you some boots if you brind him three
crushed flame emeralds and a pair of corroded plate boots Reward(s): Boots of Forbidden Rites
Boots of
Forbidden Rites MAGIC ITEM NO DROP AC: +21 Str: +2 Sta: +5 Magic Resist: +1 Fire Resist: +1 Cold Resist: +1
Weight: 6.0 Classes: Cleric Races: Human High Elf Halfling Erudite Dark Elf Gnome Dwarf Inventory Slot:
Feet Velious Required: Yes Can be stored in Medium and larger containers
promises to make you some bracers if you brind him three crushed opals and a corroded plate bracer Reward(s): Bracers
of Forbidden Rites
Bracers of Forbidden Rites Submitted by: Kellan MAGIC ITEM NO DROP AC: +15 Agi: +5
Wis: +2 Fire Resist: +2 HP: +35 Weight: 3.5 Classes: Cleric Races: Dwarf Gnome Dark Elf Erudite Halfling
High Elf Human Inventory Slot: Wrist Velious Required: Yes Can be stored in Medium and larger containers
Starts in: Thurgadin Who: Loremaster Dorinan Rating: Good (4.33) Class: Cler Quest Items:
Black Marble
Dorinan promises to make you a breastplate if you brind him a corroded breastplate and three pieces
of black marble Reward(s): Breastplate of Forbidden Rites
Breastplate of Forbidden Rites MAGIC
ITEM NO DROP AC: +42 Sta: +7 Dex: +5 Wis: +13 Magic Resist: +7 Cold Resist: +5 Disease Resist: +5 HP: +30 Mana: +80
Weight: 8.0 Classes: Cleric Races: Dwarf Gnome Dark Elf Erudite Halfling High Elf Human Inventory Slot:
Chest Velious Required: Yes Can be stored in Medium and larger containers
Dorinan promises to make you some gauntlets if you brind him a set of corroded plate gauntlets and three
crushed lava rubies. Reward(s): Gauntlets of Forbidden Rites
Gauntlets of Forbidden Rites MAGIC
ITEM NO DROP AC: +15 Agi: +2 Cha: +7 Magic Resist: +2 Poison Resist: +1 Mana: +40 Weight: 4.5 Classes: Cleric
Races: Dwarf Gnome Dark Elf Erudite Halfling High Elf Human Inventory Slot: Hands Velious Required: Yes Can
be stored in Medium and larger containers
Dorinan promises to make you some greaves if you brind him Three chipped onyx sapphires and a pair of corroded plate
greaves Reward(s): Greaves of Forbidden Rites
Greaves of Forbidden Rites MAGIC ITEM NO DROP AC:
+24 Wis: +10 Cold Resist: +3 HP: +80 Mana: +40 Weight: 7.0 Classes: Cleric Races: All Races Inventory
Slot: Legs Velious Required: Yes Can be stored in Medium and larger containers Last updated: Wed Feb 7 20:37:33
Effect: Word of Health Type: Triggered Charges: Unlimited
Dorinan promises to make you a helm if
you brind him a corroded plate helm and three pieces of crushed onyx sapphire. Reward(s): Crown of Forbidden Rite.
Crown of Forbidden Rites MAGIC ITEM NO DROP AC: +19 Str: +2 Wis: +3 Magic Resist: +3 Fire Resist: +2
Poison Resist: +2 Mana: +35 Weight: 5.5 Classes: Cleric Races: Dwarf Gnome Dark Elf Erudite Halfling High
Elf Human Inventory Slot: Head Velious Required: Yes Can be stored in Medium and larger containers
Level to Attain:45
Gem Name Known Drop Locations
Black Marble Dragon Necropolis Velketor's Labyrinth Siren's Grotto