Shadowknight Class Abilities
2 Hand Bash: (1 skill level - cost 6 skill points)
- This ability allows the Shadowknight to use his Bash skill while wielding any two-handed weapon.
Body and Mind Rejuvenation: (1 skill level -
cost 5 skill points - Prerequisite: 3 skill levels of both Melee Archetype abilities Natural Healing and Mental Clarity) -
This ability gives the Shadowknight one additional skill level of both Mental Clarity and Improved Natural Healing.
Double Riposte: (3 skill levels) - This ability
gives the Shadowknight a chance for a double riposte any time he successfully ripostes. The first skill level gives the Shadowknight
a 15% chance for a Double Riposte, the second skill level raises that chance to 30% and the third skill level makes the chance
Fearless: (1 skill level - cost 6 skill points
- Prerequisite: 3 skill levels of the Melee Archetype ability Fear Resistance) - This ability makes the Shadowknight permanently
immune to fear effects
Leech Touch: (1 skill level - cost 6 skill points)
- This ability gives the Shadowknight the power to use a lifetap Harm Touch that does not require the memorization of a spell
or the expenditure of mana. This ability uses the existing Harm Touch Refresh Timer.
Pet Discipline: (1 skill level - cost 6 skill
points) - This ability allows the Shadowknight to better control his pet. The command "/pet hold" will prevent the pet from
attacking any foe, even if that foe attacks the pet or its master. The pet will remain passive until given another command.
Physical Enhancement: (1 skill level - cost
5 skill points) - This ability gives the Shadowknight one additional skill level in their Natural Durability, Combat Agility
and Combat Stability abilities.
Soul Abrasion: (3 skill levels) - Each skill
level increases the chance damage done by their self-only Lifetap procs spells.
Super Harm Touch: (1 skill level - cost 6 skill
points) - This ability gives the Shadowknight a Harm Touch ability so that it is hard to resist and does not require the memorization
of a spell or the expenditure of mana. This ability uses the existing Harm Touch Refresh Timer.
Unholy Steed: (1 skill level - cost 5 skill
points) - This ability allows the Shadowknight to summon the ultimate steed.